Mantoroba Health Centre
Mantoroba Health Centre II
Mantoroba Health Centre II is 56km from Fort Portal in Bundibogyo District. It serves a wide range of people as it is the only health facility in Ntontoro Sub-county.
Being beyond the reach of the national water system and with a water tank that was not working, patients and staff didn't have access to sufficient water. This impacted the ability of the health centre to maintain hygiene standards and to provide food and water for patients. Time for patients was also reduced as nurses were having to walk a considerable distance to collect water.  
One Brick worked to remedy this situation by repairing the health centre's existing tank and by installing a new water harvesting system. Works also included:
  • Building a base for the new tank
  • Installing gutters on the building and connecting them to the new tank.
  • Repairing the existing tank
The project was completed in a week and continues to impact the healthcare of around 500 patients every single month.
Total cost: £633
Result: improved healthcare for 500 patients per month.   
Completed August 2016
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Liverpool Hope University
Taggart Avenue
Liverpool, L16 9JD
United Kingdom
NGO number 1155099
OBAAT Uganda
Bankside Road
P. O. BOX 349
Fort Portal, Uganda
NGO number 11726
Map data ©2025
Map data ©2025