Butiti Primary Teachers College
Butiti Teacher Training College in Kyenjojo district (51 km from Fort Portal) was established by Missionaries to provide primary teacher training in the region. In 1992 the number of teacher trainees dramatically rose to 400 and the college was facing difficulties in providing dormitories and classrooms for such a number.
The Team and the Work
This community project was completed by One Brick's core team and 4 former One Brick apprentices that we employed. The project demonstrated that a 'community project' really can include local people and make them integral to development. In this project, One Brick's team and former apprentices developed the area's education infrastructure and adopted low cost, environmentally sustainable maintenance and construction practices. All members of the team assisted with project planning and got an insight into management by liaising with suppliers.
The team selected an incomplete building on the campus as a target for renovation and as a low cost way of increasing the school's capacity. The building was in a highly dilapidated state so had to be completely refurbished and remodelled.
Works included:
  • The provision of concrete floors
  • Installing new windows
  • Putting a ceiling in place to ensure that the noise from heavy rains do not interrupt lessons.
  • Installing a water harvesting system (4,000 litre tank)
  • Installing electrics so
The project took several weeks and One Brick managed to deliver a modern and beautiful structure that will hopefully serve the college for many generations and motivate current and new talent to become teachers. The new water harvesting system will serve as a vital resource, offering increased access to improved water and saving the college expensive municipal water costs. The installed electrics will allow the school to use projectors and to provide lighting in the evenings.
As with all One Brick projects, 5 years of building maintenance will be provided.
Total cost: £8,000
Result: Improved training for 1200 future teachers
Completed October 2012
During & After
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Liverpool Hope University
Taggart Avenue
Liverpool, L16 9JD
United Kingdom
NGO number 1155099
OBAAT Uganda
Bankside Road
P. O. BOX 349
Fort Portal, Uganda
NGO number 11726