St Peter and Paul Primary School
This school currently has 29 teachers, 777 students with the large percentage of the children being orphans. The school also has a class for children with special needs (17). 53 of the children board which meant when lessons finished they moved the classroom furniture to the side and slept on the floor. There has been a huge potential to make this school exemplary within the area.
They have 21 classrooms and 18 latrines in various conditions. Through our repair and refurbishment of all classrooms, building shower blocks, delivering dormitory beds and fixing water harvesting systems the school turned into an excellent learning and teaching environment. Last year exam results are a substantial improvement from the year before with double the number of students (7 to 14) achieving Div 1 (highest grade) and fingers crossed this year there will be still more.
The head teacher Angelica is very smart and has a lot of work to manage this school with such a wide leverage and is happy to any skills contribution from which their kids could learn.
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Taggart Avenue
Liverpool, L16 9JD
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NGO number 1155099
OBAAT Uganda
Bankside Road
P. O. BOX 349
Fort Portal, Uganda
NGO number 11726